
Dynamic real-time view of processes: Search processes by name: List processes by user: Scroll the process list vertically and horizontally and search & kill processes: (apt install htop) Kill process by name without allowing process to do cleanup or restart Kill process by PID without allowing process to do cleanup or restart


Samba provides file and print services on Linux for Windows computers. To install Samba: The configuration file for Samba is located at /etc/samba/smb.conf, edit samba configuration: Share example: Password protected share example: System user’s password must be added to Samba: For changes to take effect, you must restart samba: (stop, start)


Login: List databases: Delete database: Make new database: List users: Make new user: Delete user: Gives all rights to user over a certain database (replace with * for all databases): Refreshes privileges, a must after a change: Lists user rights: Exports (dumps) the database: Shows original (exported) database name: Imports dump of some database … Read moreMYSQL

Tested on Ubuntu & Pop OS